#RatifyILO190 is a central demand of this year’s Global 16 Days Campaign that aims to mobilize women, across movements, to collectively take action in advancing the ratification and implementation of the newly adopted ILO instruments: Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (C190) and Violence and Harassment Recommendation, 2019 (R206).

A key goal of this year’s Global 16 Days Campaign is to influence a wave of ratifications for C190, which is an important first step towards the implementation of these standards at the national level. Here’s a brand new advocacy guide that has been developed specifically to support your efforts. The 2019 Global 16 Days Campaign Advocacy Guide explains why this campaign is needed and recommends specific actions that can be taken from November 25-December 10, 2019, to amplify the call for ratification and implementation of C190 and R206.

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About 16 Days

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign coordinated by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership and used by activists around the world as an organizing strategy to call for the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence. The core 16 Days campaign takes place every year between November 25 and December 10 and is run by more than 6,000 organizations in 187 countries. The 16 Days community organizes year-round, currently focused on ratification and implementation of the new ILO Convention 190 and Recommendation 206 to end GBV in the world of work.

Learn more about 16 Days here.

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CWGL Initiatives

Intimate Partner Violence and the World of Work

Violence against women is recognized as a human rights violation in international law, and as an obstacle to development and economic growth. However, there is a gap in understanding intimate partner violence (IPV) as a serious detriment to women in


16 Days Around The World

This interactive map features 16 Days events from around the world. If you would like us to promote your events and activities, please fill out an event submission form.